Dear Money,

I hope you are doing well today!

Elena Solomon
Money, a Love Affair


Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

Yes, I am following author Jen Sincero’s recommendation, and I am writing you another letter. I did tell you I am committed to doing whatever it takes to bring you back into my life, didn’t I?

No more contradictions, no more lack of focus! Self-control and self-discipline are the new game.

Looking back, I still cannot believe how much I did to repel you.

  • Do you remember all the times I thought ill of you?!
  • All the times I thought you were bad, that you corrupted people?
  • Do you remember how I used to judge those focused on getting you into their lives as greedy and selfish?!

I thought you were the culprit, that you made people behave badly. I refused to see a lot of those who work to have you in their lives are very nice and hard-working people! And those who behave badly have already decided to do so, irrespective of you being in their lives!

I made excuses for them and accused you instead. And you chose to stay away from me. Who could blame you?!

I am sorry. I hope you will find it in your heart to forgive me.

And do you remember when I used to think there was no point to life if I were to live only to make more of you?! There you go! No wonder you chose to stay away. Who would want to be with someone who gets no joy from being with them?

I am sorry I used to think that way. I didn’t know better. I couldn’t do better at the time.

There are so many people speaking ill of you, accusing you of all the wrongdoings going on in the world. I now know that these people repeat what others say without thinking. How easy it is to say “money corrupts” and roll with it! How easy it is to be emotionally triggered by people’s anger and hate!

But I’ve learned to manage my own thoughts. I’ve learned to be a lot more self-aware, to question my reactions. I’ve learned to not let just about anything I hear get into my subconscious mind. I work hard to think for myself, to control what gets into my mind.

This has been a long and much-needed journey, which took time, energy, and focus. I still have some way to go, but I am on my way.

As of today, you’re still a bit of a stranger to me. You come sporadically — you come, but then you shy away. I wish you came into my life more consistently. I wish you came regularly and in big quantities. I wish you came to stay.

I know I may sound needy still, but I promise you there will come a time when this will not be so anymore. I still have some way to go to get there, but I have learned persistence is your game, and I am here to play it!

It was lovely writing to you today. Until next time, take care!

Yours faithfully,




Elena Solomon
Money, a Love Affair

Telecom BSc, Harvard MBA, Psychology nerd. I love personal development work and changing mindsets.