Dear Money,

Elena Solomon
Money, a Love Affair
3 min readSep 23, 2021


Money, a Love Affair — September 23rd, 2021

Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

My dear friend, I have written You a note back in July but since then I have faltered on my promise of being consistent — of writing You a letter regularly, if not daily.

What kind of a friend am I?!

  • What kind of friend makes a promise they don’t keep?
  • What kind of friend doesn’t write for two months?

Would I still be friends with someone like myself? Would I hang around someone who behaved like me –

  • who made promises they didn’t keep?
  • who forgot to write?
  • who expected something for nothing?
  • who didn’t make an effort?
  • who did not commit?

What friend in their right mind would stick around?! I am not sure I would!

No wonder You are not showing up in my life!

Worse still, I read somewhere that the kind of relationship one has with their money is similar to, if not identical, to their love relationship.

This is soooo true!!

Both are nonexistent in my life — I lack both You and a partner! I’m not sure how people reached this conclusion, but they were spot on!

But I want to commit to changing both these relationships! Do You hear me?!

I want to commit to changing my ways. I will commit to You for now— I am curious to see if my love status also changes, with no direct intervention in the love department.

What an experiment!

I have come to believe that You show up consistently for people who desire You, who want You sincerely and passionately, who show up, who do the work. I know that if I fail to commit to You, You will never show up in my life.

I also want to build character (discipline, work ethic, commitment to completion) because I know You stick around people who have it.

  • I want to commit to You! I want to commit to writing these letters on Medium for as long as I need to. I will not stop until I manage to bring you back into my life in satisfying quantities.
  • I want to raise my level of self-discipline and self-control — I want to learn and practice to self-regulate, say no without shame or guilt, manage my emotions, control my thoughts, and set boundaries.
  • I want to keep my promises to myself, to You, to others — because my word is my reputation. My word is all I’ve got. I must absolutely keep my promises. I say NO when I need to, and when I say YES, I deliver.
  • I want to be self-accountable — because nobody will hold me accountable to reach my own dreams! Not my mother, not my teachers, not my lover, not my friends! Not Anybody! My Dreams are solely up to me!

That’s it for now. I commit to writing these letters until I get You back in my life. I will practice being vulnerable and getting over my ego, on my way to freedom, happiness, and abundance of Money.

I hope You forgive me for this 2-month absence.

Until we see each other again,

Yours faithfully,




Elena Solomon
Money, a Love Affair

Telecom BSc, Harvard MBA, Psychology nerd. I love personal development work and changing mindsets.